Nowadays , all the focus is on up liftment of girls and women. It is named “Women Empowerment”. We believe that men and woman are 2 equal sides of a coin. Hence empowering males is equally important to get a balanced and wise society. So , we have designed a three days program to groom our boys for their overall development. And we shall continue to train them periodically after this 3 days program ends.
Following were activities conducted during Event.
1. Personality Development
2. career guidance / Importance of education
3. Stage daring
4. Table manners
5. Hobby development
6. Personal counseling
7. Spiritual up liftment
8. self defense
9. importance of exercise and health issues
10. Art of living
11. No Shortcut to success
12. Easy Money vanishes Easily
and many more.
These shall be interactive and interesting sessions with lot of audio – visual mode of communication. We shall play lot of games and activities to create interest among the children
3 Days Camp At Observation Home
pune 2017